On the occasion of National Science Day, we organized a science talent test for 10th-class students at the Government College of Education Mahabubnagar. Over 400 students participated in the competition. Top scorer students were awarded with a good science book, certificate, memento, and cash. The first prize winner was awarded with Rs.30
On the occasion of National Science Day, we organized a science talent test for 10th-class students at the Government College of Education Mahabubnagar. Over 400 students participated in the competition. Top scorer students were awarded with a good science book, certificate, memento, and cash. The first prize winner was awarded with Rs.3000, the second prize winner with Rs.2000, the third prize winner with Rs.1000 and 6 consolation prizes with 500 rupees.
Prize distribution for 10th-class talent test winners
16th March 2024
The award distribution ceremony and sky watch program were organised on 16th March 2024. The program's chief guest was Sri A Ravinder, DEO, MBNR and Academic monitoring officer D Srinivas. All the students, teachers and their parents enjoyed the telescopic view of the sky. Guests gave an inspirational talk to students on how one should act for their bright future.
All the Mandal level toppers attended this competition in three different languages Telugu, English and Urdu. Students from 6th to 9th class participated. A total of 198 students had qualified for this district level science talent test.
The students who secured first, second and third places at district level were awarded a certificate, a
All the Mandal level toppers attended this competition in three different languages Telugu, English and Urdu. Students from 6th to 9th class participated. A total of 198 students had qualified for this district level science talent test.
The students who secured first, second and third places at district level were awarded a certificate, a memento and a science book. In this program, the chief guest was DEO, Mahabubnagar and sectorial officers of school education Mahabubnagar.
Mandal level science talent test is conducted in all the 17 mandal headquarters in Mahabubnagar district in three different languages Telugu, English and Urdu for 6th to 9th class students.
From every government school, students from every class and medium attended this test. In total 1494 students participated in the mandal level. First a
Mandal level science talent test is conducted in all the 17 mandal headquarters in Mahabubnagar district in three different languages Telugu, English and Urdu for 6th to 9th class students.
From every government school, students from every class and medium attended this test. In total 1494 students participated in the mandal level. First and second-positioned students were selected to district level. Toppers were awarded certificates of merit by the headmasters of their respective High schools.
65 teachers submitted their assignments by sending videos of classroom experimental practices.
Sahayata trust Science academy Hyderabad and Tech Mahindra supported the science kits to all the teachers.
Kits were Distributed by our chief guest district educational officer Sri A. Ravinder, sectoral officer S. Balu Yadav, Srinivas and DSO.
In the Second spell, 36 Biology and 36 Physical Science teachers participated in the experiment awareness program courtesy of Sahayata Trust Science Academy Hyderabad and Tech Mahindra. In this, 29 experiments related to biology and 29 experiments related to physical sciences were conducted by the teachers themselves and they gained under
In the Second spell, 36 Biology and 36 Physical Science teachers participated in the experiment awareness program courtesy of Sahayata Trust Science Academy Hyderabad and Tech Mahindra. In this, 29 experiments related to biology and 29 experiments related to physical sciences were conducted by the teachers themselves and they gained understanding by correcting the mistakes they were making in the classroom. SRI A RAVINDER DEO, SECTORAL OFFICERS BALU YADAV & SRINIVAS and District Science Officer Shri Srinivas, Science academy project head Smt. Sravanthi, resource persons Smt. Revathi, Sri Turki and Sri Satyanand participated in the program. Assignments were given to submit their experimental practices in their schools after which each teacher will be given a science laboratory kit.
On the occasion of Children's Day, the foundation organized a program called "My Talent" to recognize the talents and skills of children and guide them, train them and provide opportunities. This is very useful for students to grow and build self-confidence. This program has three categories for classes 1 to 5; classes 6 to 8; classes 9 &
On the occasion of Children's Day, the foundation organized a program called "My Talent" to recognize the talents and skills of children and guide them, train them and provide opportunities. This is very useful for students to grow and build self-confidence. This program has three categories for classes 1 to 5; classes 6 to 8; classes 9 & 10.
A two-minute video of their talent was to be sent. A total of 190 entries were received in three categories. From these, we selected students who have showcased their good talent and invited 13 students at the primary level, 50 students at the upper primary level and 30 students at the high school level to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Science Lab on 26 November 2023. Certificates and prizes in the form of books were awarded for showcasing their talent. Many came from faraway places with excitement and enthusiasm.
Even though it was a holiday on Sunday, it was very inspiring to see them reach the event venue with the parents along with their teachers. This showed the attention given to students by their parents and teachers. Even the organizers were surprised to see a large number of government schools attending from far away places. We, the organizers, are redoubled with enthusiasm for this program and reminded once again that we have the responsibility to do many programs for underprivileged students.
52 students along with 54 teachers visited ISRO's SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota. The foundation is very proud to provide this opportunity to students studying in government schools. We believe that this is a noteworthy moment for so many people to visit the Sriharikota Space Center at the same time, not only in the district but also in the state
52 students along with 54 teachers visited ISRO's SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota. The foundation is very proud to provide this opportunity to students studying in government schools. We believe that this is a noteworthy moment for so many people to visit the Sriharikota Space Center at the same time, not only in the district but also in the state. The eagerness and curiosity of the students pushed us to take this step forward. We think that it is not an exaggeration to say that we have sowed the seeds in them to grow as good citizens in the future, especially to grow as future scientists. Launching Pad One, Launching Pad Two, Mission Control Complex, Space Museum, etc., were visited by students and teachers where they learned about their functions. It is also to be noted that the teachers will impart all this knowledge to the students in their respective schools.
Dr. Abdul Kalam Jayanti, International Students' Day, and our Dream Force Foundation Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Science Lab's first-anniversary event was organized. Our dear DEO Ravinder who came and guided the students and DRDO DRDL Scientist Murali Mohan who came to inspire them. 200 students, 50 parents, and 15 teachers participated in the pr
Dr. Abdul Kalam Jayanti, International Students' Day, and our Dream Force Foundation Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Science Lab's first-anniversary event was organized. Our dear DEO Ravinder who came and guided the students and DRDO DRDL Scientist Murali Mohan who came to inspire them. 200 students, 50 parents, and 15 teachers participated in the program. At the school level, on October 3, 1116, 10th-class students registered, and a talent test was conducted for them. Also Conducted lectures for classes 8 and 9 students, and a drawing competition for students of classes 6 and 7. Certificates were given to the students who stood first and second at the school level. District-level and state-level competitions were conducted for them on the 15th morning in our lab.
Private & Govt Management, English & Telugu Medium and District-level, and State Level. About 60 prizes were awarded. An interaction with the scientist was also organized. The students were highly motivated as each student got a chance to shake hands with the scientist. The parents thanked DFF for providing such a great opportunity to the students.
A subject awareness program on how to achieve 10 GPA was conducted for 3 days for the students of class 10 who participated in the free science camp attended during the summer. In this, 61 students come from the village at their own expense and bring mid-day meal with them, which is a proof of the enthusiasm of the students. In this progr
A subject awareness program on how to achieve 10 GPA was conducted for 3 days for the students of class 10 who participated in the free science camp attended during the summer. In this, 61 students come from the village at their own expense and bring mid-day meal with them, which is a proof of the enthusiasm of the students. In this program, students were divided into groups and given a complete understanding of physics, chemistry, science and mathematics based on the syllabus up to September.
It is an awareness program on the medicinal values of flowers used in Bathukamma decoration. The celebrations were held from 6 pm to 9 pm in front of the camp office of the District Magistrate and Collector in collaboration with the District Education Department. Nearly 300 students from BC and SC Welfare Girls Hostels participated.
It is an awareness program on the medicinal values of flowers used in Bathukamma decoration. The celebrations were held from 6 pm to 9 pm in front of the camp office of the District Magistrate and Collector in collaboration with the District Education Department. Nearly 300 students from BC and SC Welfare Girls Hostels participated.
The students were not only made aware of the medicinal values of the flowers used in the Bathukamma celebrations but also knew the historical aspects of the festival. Students' enthusiastic doubts were clarified. Festivals and traditions have been pondered over the science.
District Collector Mr. Ravi Guggulothu, who was the chief guest of the program, encouraged the students by saying that he was pleased to celebrate the festival with them in advance. He requested them to know the importance of flowers and pass on the same to their near and dear. He also appreciated 'The Dream Force Foundation for conducting such innovative programs. DEO Sri Ravinder congratulated the Foundation for organizing the awareness program every year immediately after completing the SA-I exams.
Two hostel wardens and district officials of the hostels attended the program.
ISRO's Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota was visited for subject awareness on space research for teachers. Apart from the teachers of the joint district, the SRGs also participated in this program. ISRO Scientist Anurag worked hard to get permission for this visit. All 50 teachers enthusiastically participated in this program and vi
ISRO's Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota was visited for subject awareness on space research for teachers. Apart from the teachers of the joint district, the SRGs also participated in this program. ISRO Scientist Anurag worked hard to get permission for this visit. All 50 teachers enthusiastically participated in this program and visited Launch Pad One & Two in Sriharikota. All the teachers also visited the Mission Control Unit and were inspired. Also visited the Space museum set up by ISRO. This program also aims for this knowledge to reach the students of their respective schools. All the teachers thanked DFF for providing such a great valuable opportunity.
40 Biology and 40 Physical Science teachers participated in the experiment awareness program courtesy of Sahayata Trust Science Academy Hyderabad and Tech Mahindra. In this, 29 experiments related to biology and 26 experiments related to physical and chemical sciences were conducted by the teachers themselves and they gained understanding
40 Biology and 40 Physical Science teachers participated in the experiment awareness program courtesy of Sahayata Trust Science Academy Hyderabad and Tech Mahindra. In this, 29 experiments related to biology and 26 experiments related to physical and chemical sciences were conducted by the teachers themselves and they gained understanding by correcting the mistakes they were making in the classroom. Some demonstrations were done on superstitions. DEO A Ravinder and District Science Officer Shri Srinivas participated in the program. In the second phase for the teachers, after conducting another four-day program, each teacher will be given a science laboratory kit.
On the occasion of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's eighth death anniversary, on behalf of our foundation and science lab, District Education Officer A Ravinder Garu and Science Officer Srinivas, and all foundation and laboratory committee members paid tribute to Abdul Kalam at the statue set up in front of our laboratory. Following Kalam's 10 vows,
On the occasion of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's eighth death anniversary, on behalf of our foundation and science lab, District Education Officer A Ravinder Garu and Science Officer Srinivas, and all foundation and laboratory committee members paid tribute to Abdul Kalam at the statue set up in front of our laboratory. Following Kalam's 10 vows, our Dream Force Foundation has authored various programs to make his dreams come true.
During the summer holidays, we organized three types of programs free of cost.
1. Course-1 Online 7 days
2. Course-2 Residential 12 days
3. Course-3 Physical 7 days
Detailed document:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gly2Em1MLTtkAbspYVDfSxANxkXLJ9QE/view?usp=drive_link
8, 9 classes from 7 am to 9 am and 6, 7 classes from 5:30 to 7
During the summer holidays, we organized three types of programs free of cost.
1. Course-1 Online 7 days
2. Course-2 Residential 12 days
3. Course-3 Physical 7 days
Detailed document:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gly2Em1MLTtkAbspYVDfSxANxkXLJ9QE/view?usp=drive_link
8, 9 classes from 7 am to 9 am and 6, 7 classes from 5:30 to 7:30 pm were shown and made to make experiments with no-cost material, explaining 50 concepts. 108 students registered and actively participated and experimented on the concepts with their household items. They took videos of those experiments and put them in a group to give a competition to other students. Students from remote areas also participated in this program and enthusiastically experimented which gave us joy, enthusiasm, and energy.
Course 2:
A 12-day free residential summer science camp was organized at Vagdevi Junior College, Mahbubnagar, for 100 students who were going to study in class 10 in the academic year 2023-24. In this program, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., a complete science environment was created. Ministers Shri Srinivas Goud and Shri Ravinder DEO participated in the inauguration of this program. From yoga, symposium, class 10 curriculum, hands-on experience, science cultural programs, interaction, and awareness programs with district officials, motivational lectures, and screening of inspiring videos, many innovative programs were offered to the students. Students visited DRDO, RCI, NIN, IICT, and CCMB in Hyderabad for two days and met with scientists.
District Collector Mr. G. Ravi and DEO Mr. Ravinder participated in the closing meeting and gave many inspirational quotes to encourage the students of the government schools.
Course-3 :
From 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., 62 students of class VI to class X learned curriculum subjects in our Kalam Science Lab by doing the experiments they wanted. Competitions on small experiments were conducted and prizes and certificates were distributed.
On the occasion of National Science Day: 28 February 2023, we have invited three competitions.
1. Video presentation on the theme “Because I like science”.
2. Elocution competition on “Science concepts I have observed in day-to-day life”.
3. Science songs.
Regarding competitions, one and three, they recorded their videos and sent them to the
On the occasion of National Science Day: 28 February 2023, we have invited three competitions.
1. Video presentation on the theme “Because I like science”.
2. Elocution competition on “Science concepts I have observed in day-to-day life”.
3. Science songs.
Regarding competitions, one and three, they recorded their videos and sent them to the given WhatsApp number. There was a good response from the students.
The program was organized on 1st March 2023. Certificates were given to all contestants and mementos were given to the winners.
The program was attended by the District Science Officer and Assistant Professor Ramaraju of Palamuru University as the main speaker. They addressed and felicitated the students and teachers.
National and state-level meritorious students in the field of science and best-serving science teachers were felicitated. Teachers and students expressed their opinions praised the Dream Force Foundation and said that they will participate in the foundation's activities.
Elocution competition for the school college and undergraduate PG level organized on the occasion of New Year the topic was New Year me and my country.
Online registrations 102. attended 77 in all categories competitions conducted in three languages Telugu English and Urdu medium. Winners from different categories 6 + 6 + 6 were declared
Elocution competition for the school college and undergraduate PG level organized on the occasion of New Year the topic was New Year me and my country.
Online registrations 102. attended 77 in all categories competitions conducted in three languages Telugu English and Urdu medium. Winners from different categories 6 + 6 + 6 were declared as winners in first and second places and they were felicitated by the book on Kalam and a cash prize also.
For this competition, 6 edges monitor data programs like Tirupati Reader MVS degree College Mahabubnagar Kendriya Vidyalaya principal Dashrath and retired lecturers. All dignitaries gave variable messages to the students and vacation of New year
The event aimed to enlighten citizens about the solar eclipse. Solar filters were specially brought in from Kolkata. The Chief Guest was Shri. Vijaya Kumar, Rtd. District Educational Officer, and Shri. Shankara Chari, Minority Welfare District Project Director. About 200 students were joined by an audience of 20 people. The students enjo
The event aimed to enlighten citizens about the solar eclipse. Solar filters were specially brought in from Kolkata. The Chief Guest was Shri. Vijaya Kumar, Rtd. District Educational Officer, and Shri. Shankara Chari, Minority Welfare District Project Director. About 200 students were joined by an audience of 20 people. The students enjoyed the first-time experience of witnessing a solar eclipse with the help of solar filters.
Minister Shri V Srinivas Goud as Chief Guest, Honorable Guest Shri Karunanidhi Maran Senior Scientist DRDO, Guest Mrs. Swarna Sudhakar ZP Chairman and District Education Officer Mr. A Ravinder inaugurated the laboratory, mini library, and statue of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The program was attended by all the founders, lab members and well-wishers.
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